Monday, May 24, 2010

The Pessimist and The Optimist

The Pessimist .
Someone who looks at the negative side of things .
Someone who's mostly down most of the time .
Someone who's ,
Emo .
Mostly the people who have had a tough time in their lives .
The ones who have been scarred for life .
Scars that can never be healed .

Then there is ,
The Optimist .
Someone who always looks at the positive side of everything .
Someone who's cheerful most of the time .
Someone , in my opinion , who cheers up the pessimist .
Optimists might have been scarred .
They might lead the same lives as the pessimist .
But they don't emo .

In my life .
I see the pessimist
As my byy ,
Mas Rosli .
And me , the optimist .
Andy .

They say opposites attract .
Is it working for us Byy ?
I think it is

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